Regional Festivals within EOFed


EOFed Eastern European regional orchestra festival

on 4-7 July 2024 in Košice (Slovakia) and Budapest (Hungary)


At its core, the Eastern-European Regional Orchestra Festival seeks to provide a platform for youth and amateur symphony and chamber orchestras to showcase their skills on an international stage. Participants will have the opportunity to perform in beautiful venues and to strengthen Eastern-European cooperation. By bringing together orchestras from various countries, the event aims to facilitate a rich exchange of musical experiences, fostering an environment where participants can learn from each other, share their unique perspectives, and build lasting connections.The festival concerts will take place in Slovakia and in Košice and nearby and in Budapest.

Festival will take place in cooperation with EOFed members, "Musica Iuvenalis" String Orchestra in Košice and KOTA, Hungarian umbrella organization of amateur and youth groups and Budapest St Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra

General information

The regional festival of EOFed is a event for youth and amateur symphony and chamber orchestras from Visegrad countries (in this festival orchestras from Slovakia and Hungary) and for guest orchestras from nearby countries and Eastern region (Estonia, Croatia, Belgium and 9 orchestras will participate with 350 musicians.

The main goal of the festival is to give orchestras the opportunity to perform in an international festival and also listen to the performances of each other, to meet and spend time together with youth and amateur musicians from other countries, to get international experiences and opportunities for cooperation in future.



  • Budapest St Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • Strings of Pécs
  • Sátoraljaúlyhely Lavotta János Chamber Orchestra 



  • Košice String Orchestra "Musica Iuvenalis"
  • Edevart Orchestra



  • Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra



  • Semeljci youth tambouras orchestra "Rapsodija"



  • Student Symphony Orchestra of the Catholic university of Louvain-la-Neuve / Orchestre Symphonique des Étudiants de l’université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve


Festival concerts

Concerts in Slovakia:

4 July at 17.00 Opening concert in Košice State Philharmonia 


Chamber String Orchestra Musica Iuvenalis (Slovakia)

Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)

Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)

Tambura Orchestra Rapsodija (Croatia) 

Louvain-la-Neuve Student Symphony Orchestra (Belgium)


5 July at 16.00 concert in Bohdanovce Cultural Centre 

Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)

Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)


5 July at 17.00 concert in Košice Premonstratensian Church

János Lavotta Chamber Orchestra (Hungary)

Pécs Strings (Hungary)

Edevart Orchestra (Slovakia)


5 July at 18.30 concert in Kechnec Cultural Centre

Louvain-la-Neuve Student Symphony Orchestra (Belgium)

Concerts in Hungary:

6 July at 19.00 concert in Budapest St Stephen Music House

Pécs Strings (Hungary)

Tambura Orchestra Rapsodija (Croatia) 

Louvain-la-Neuve Student Symphony Orchestra (Belgium)

St Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra (Hungary)


7 July at 16.00 final concert in Budapest St Imre Gymnasium

Edevart Orchestra (Slovakia)

Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)

Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra (Estonia)


Festival team


Jüri-Ruut Kangur (Estonia) - President of the European Orchestra Federation,

Liina Nigu (Estonia) - General manager of the festival,

Gábor Horváth (Hungary) - leader of orchestras committee of KOTA; conductor of St. Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra

Ádám Vucskics (Hungary) - concertmaster and assistant conductor of St. Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra

Igor Dohovic (Slovakia) - conductor of Košice String Orchestra "Musica Iuvenalis"


Eurochestries Baltic Youth Symphony Orchestras Festival in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 13-18 April 2024.

This festival will be organised in cooperation with the European Orchestra Federation


Concerts will be held in different places and among them the European Capital of Culture of 2024 - Tartu, Estonia

A stunning total of over 1400 musicians will perform in all the Balitc countries in 15 concerts in total. Main  goal is to give orchestras opportunities to perform and to listen to other orchestras in an international festival. A special international orchestra will be created, an orchestra from France will be guest of the festival together with a few players from Ukraine.

More information about this regional festival you can find below. Please use the arrows to the right of the header to see the text.

General information

The Baltic Festival is an event for youth, amateur, symphony and chamber orchestras from the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and a guest orchestra from France. Some individual musicians from Ukraine will also participate. 

The first festival for youth and amateur orchestras of the Baltic states took place in 2016 in Daugavpils (Latvia) and in April 2023, there was a short one-day Baltic youth orchestras festival in Vilnius (Lithuania). It is hoped that this festival in 2024 will help to keep the tradition alive and will encourage future collaboration and co-operation between Baltic orchestras.

Fifteen concerts will be staged over six days in all of the Baltic countries, showcasing thirty-six orchestras and more than one thousand four hundred musicians. Activity will vary and while many orchestras will participate for only one day, some will do most of the program and most of the orchestras will participate for two or three days.

The festival will take place under the brand and partnership of "Eurochestries International" with the main goal being participation in an international festival, stimulation of present and future collaborations, building friendships and sharing experiences. 

A special international orchestra - the Baltic Youth Symphony Orchestra (BYSO) will be created especially for the festival and will perform in all three Baltic countries. Membership will include 20 musicians from each Baltic country and a guest orchestra from France, totalling 80 players. 

The Festival is supported by the European Orchestra Federation, the Estonian Symphony Orchestras Association, the Latvian Orchestras Association and Vilnius Balys Dvarionas Music School Youth Symphony Orchestra "Alytus"

The Baltic Festival is an event intended for symphony orchestras and chamber music of young amateur musicians from the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) as well as a guest orchestra from France. For 6 days, we expect the participation of 36 orchestras.



International orchestra:

  • Baltic Youth Symphony Orchestra



  •        Eurochestries Youth Symphony Orchestra (France)
  •        Students from Kiev Music Academy (Ukraine)



  • Alytus Music School Youth Symphony Orchestra „Svajone“
  • Vilnius Balys Dvarionas Music School Youth Symphony Orchestra "Simfukai"
  • Klaipeda Stasys Šimkus Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra
  • Vilnius Karoliniškės Music School Youth Symphony Orchestra  



  • Emīls Dārziņs Riga Music High School Symphony Orchestra
  • Jazeps Medinš Riga 1st Music School Chamber Orchestra "Armonico" 
  • Jazeps Mediņš Riga 1st Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Riga Secondary School no. 10 orchestra
  • Baldone Cultural Center and Vecumnieki region Music and Art School Symphony Orchestra "Draugi"
  • Jugla Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Kekava region Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • Marupe Music and Art School Chamber Orchestra
  • Garkalne Primary School of Arts and General Education Chamber Orchestra
  • Adaži Music and Art School Symphony Orchestra
  • Sēja Music and Art School Chamber Orchestra
  • Ziemelkurzeme Chamber Orchestra
  • Ventspils Music High School String Orchestra
  • Daugavpils Chamber Orchestra
  • Krimulda and Limbaži Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • Janis Norvilis Madona Music School Chamber Orchestra
  • Arvids Žilinskis Jēkabpils Music School Chamber orchestra



  • Viimsi Music School String Orchestra
  • Tartu Heino Eller Music School Sinfonietta
  • Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • Harju County String Orchestra
  • Võru Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Livonia (Liivimaa) Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • Nõmme Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Lasnamäe Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Rapla Music School Symphony Orchestra
  • Põltsamaa Music School Chamber Orchestra
  • Tartu 1st Music School String Orchestra
  • Põlva Music School String Orchestra

Festival Concerts


  • 13 April at 19.00 in Alytus Cultural Centre, opening concert (festival pre-concert at 15.00 in Butrimonys)
  • 14 April at 14.30 in Vilnius Balys Dvarionas Music School Concert Hall
  • 14 April at 19.00 in Vilnius Balys Dvarionas Music School Concert Hall



  • 16 April at 15.00 in Marupe Music and Art School
  • 16 April at 19.00 in Riga Culture Palace ZIEMEĻBLĀZMA, Great Hall



  • 17 April at 12.30 in Tartu Vanemuise Concert Hall
  • 17 April at 15.00 in Heino Elleri Tartu Music School, in Tubin Hall
  • 17 April at 17.00 in Valga Cultural Center
  • 17 April at 17.30 in Tartu Vanemuise Concert Hall, festival final concert and ceremony
  • 17 April at 19.00 in Võru Cultural Center "Kannel" 
  • 18 April at 18.00 in Tartu St Paul Church
  • 18 April at 18.00 in Põlva Cultural Centre
  • 18 April at 18.00 in Viljandi Folklore Centre

Festival team

Jüri-Ruut Kangur - Vice president of Eurochestries International, president of European Orchestra Federation (Estonia)

Normunds Dregis - President of Latvian Orchestra Association, board member of European Orchestra Federation (Latvia)

Arturas Alenskas - Leading manager of Vilnius B. Dvarionas Music School Symphony Orchestra "Simfukai" (Lithuania)

Liina Nigu - project leader (Estonia)